Support Petersburg National Battlefield!
As the park's official friends' group, PBF is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization. All funds raised will directly improve Petersburg National Battlefield (NPS PETE) for everyone.
Your generous donation will support public programs, events, and stewardship projects such as living history, education and kids' programs, volunteer support, Junior Ranger books, historical research, and artifact conservation.
Click HERE to donate via debit/credit/PayPal.
Make checks payable to: Petersburg Battlefields Foundation (make a note in the memo field that this donation is for Petersburg National Battlefield).
Mail checks to: P.O. Box 1975, Prince George, VA 23875
It's FREE to visit all of Petersburg National Battlefield's locations (Grant's Headquarters, Eastern Front, Western Front, Five Forks, and Poplar Grove Cemetery), so your donation is important. If you use the park grounds regularly to run, hike, bike, bird watch, etc..., consider making an annual or monthly doanation.
THANK YOU for your support!